Legion Business
Post Certification of Service Officers
Post Commander: Brian Francis (Retired Army)
1st Vice: W. Robert Ohl, Jr. (Army)
2nd Vice: Greg Fonseca (Army)
3rd Vice: Carole Tombs (Navy)
Adjutant/Treasure: Gerald McDonald (Army)
Chaplain: Richard Naylor (Retired Army)
Historian: Robert Yott (Army)
Judge Advocate/Compliance: James Smith (Army-Navy)
Sergent-At-Arms: Bill Boynton (Army)
Service Officer: Frank Williamee (Navy)
Homeland Security: Brian Francis
Compliance Officer: Gerald McDonald
2nd Thursday each month at 5:30pm conference room open to any interested
General Information
Ritual Team
Always looking for new members, if you are retired looking for something to do during the week we need you, uniform furnished after training